Google’s new Algorithm has been introduced “Hummingbird”

Know – Google’s new Algorithm has been introduced “Hummingbird”

Know – Google’s new Algorithm has been introduced “Hummingbird”

Past week, Google had rejoiced its 15th birthday effectively. On that particular day, Google had introduced new algorithm called “Hummingbird”. This is designed peculiarly to provide the fast and precise results for semantic search queries. After a detailed research, the result availed have identified that it has been developed to produce improved results for the relevant search.

To be detail, it provides most relevant results for every keyword along with the search terms that are entered in search box. Its goal extends to the whole page more willingly than few words in the page.

For the past one month, it has been identified that the algorithm has been rolling out, even though it had been declared on its birthday. In particular, it is not similar to Panda and Penguin algorithm which are often updated and needs only slight changes in the Algorithm. But in this case, the whole algorithm needs to have change.

It is the new set of algorithm following the page rank algorithm which doesn’t mean page rank algorithm has been dead. Hummingbird had just made little changes and considerations regarding page rank. Even though it follows and has loads of algorithms, it has been considered as more special as it is more precise and fast.

The Author of Google Semantic Search has revealed the two main important things as the need to increase the ability to work with complex search queries and as well to have better relational linking search queries.

The fact is it has been framed with the whole sentence rather than single keyword. It is directly proportional to the user’s view in providing relevant results with further enhancements. In addition to this, Google is concentrating on high quality content to make a website available on the top of the search engine.

Apart from this, Amerland had as well declared the benefits that SEO services can attain using new movement of Google that run behind semantic search.

Unlike Panda and Penguin, it doesn’t affect the search results of websites, but even most of the SEO services get panic regarding the damage it is going to cause to the search results. But it had been proved that it does not affect the optimization results. If your website doesn’t rank in Google, then it may be due to some low quality content’s in your website. It is time to wake up now, get your available on the top of the search engine.

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