How Social Media Can Boost a Search Engine Ranking !!

How Social Media Can Boost a Search Engine Ranking

How Social Media Can Boost a Search Engine Ranking

In the recent years Google algorithm’s like Google panda, Google Venice and Google Penguin all are having some impact of existing website rankings. Some company website getting down in the ranking and some company website getting higher ranking in the websites because of this algorithms. Panda checks the content of website if the content is worth then the website can get higher rank in Google. Penguin checks the quality of back links to the website and Venice seeing location of the website’s IP address. Google checks the website content based on that only websites getting page rank on search engine.

At first when social media is introduced into the market it doesn’t do any change in the market strategy as well as search engine ranking. But today social media can boost your sale and search engine ranking via back links to your website. Already told that Google changed its algorithm for search engine ranking and giving more importance for social media back links. So if you want increase your search engine ranking you have to concentrate on social media’s.

Social-MediaHere the set of procedure to boost your search engine ranking via the social media.

Generate Strong Content:

Generate your content strong and as well as high quality. This can be happened by following two strategies.

A refined content strategy:

First step is that you have to check your brand content on social site and make some changes which is needed for general users. It can help to understand by every user and make them feel better. Once you decided your content think of which social media can help to get high result.

Power account on the social content sites where targeting:

If you are going to post any content voted means you have to need access to power user accounts. This accounts are trusted by social content site algorithm reason is the power customer may have lot friends or followers. Votes from this account can help to increase your back link. Getting this kinds of power user is one of the most needed activities in the social media ranking.

Social media presence encouraging back links:

Google and Bing have lot of focusing on publically sharing content on Facebook and twitter. So social media is the great place to improve your back links from your website. The following some help to increase your social media presence

Build your networks on social mediaicon_seo

Connect your blog with social media like Facebook and twitter

Update your content periodically

Get user reviews about your product and services.

Build your social media following:

Building of social media followers to your website or blog is very helpful for you to improve back links from the customer. If back links for your site is increased automatically your site can get higher ranking in the search engines.


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