Latest Web Design Trends for 2020 to Watch Our for!

Latest Web Design Trends in 2020

Latest Web Design Trends in 2020

Web design trends are continually changing according to the evolution of digital technology. And in 2020, there are several web design  trends came up. And every web designers have to keep up with these trends in order to be successful. Some trend changes are major while some are minor. But in spite of its minor or major change one has to adapt to it in order not to be left behind.

So now will move on to see the Latest Web Design Trends 2020

1. Scrolling sites

It is noteworthy to see that most of the new websites published today have longer scrolling pages. As mobile users are increasing day by day, website owners prefer scrolling instead of linking as a way to display content, especially on their home pages.

It is easier to scroll through a page than to click on links to know the information. And it is now common to see websites have scrolling pages not only in their home pages but also in pages like about us and product pages.

2. Interaction

If a website is able to convey a story through their content it is big plus as it is easy to remember a story than a presentation. For example the Space Needle’s Website beautifully tells the facts of Space Needles through story telling with the help of a supporting design.

Moreover, web designs are becoming more interactive and animated now days to help present the data in a more appealing way. Interaction paired with animation in a web design when carefully done can bring about the wow factor to that site.

3. Absence of large background header images

The trend that we do see over the last few years is often large background header images often with text on top, and it is the first thing that a visitor sees when they come to that site. So, in order to stand out from the crowd that has embraced large background header image is to do the opposite.

4. Removing non essential elements

A web design is said to be complete only when its non essential elements are taken away. In 2020 certain sites are doing this in order to keep their sites simple.

Now day’s web designers have decided to eliminate many design options like background colors, too many images, sophisticated layouts etc that most of the current websites have on them and instead opted for a clean simple lay out.

5. Fix width centered site layout

Most of the websites over the last few years have used the “banding” or width to be 100% so as to make things like images and sections visually stretch the full width of the browser’s viewport. Prior to this trend becoming popular, most sites were fix-width and centered in the page and you could tell where the site ended on either side.

That fixed-width trend seems to be coming back in a more modern way by way of sites and their content sections going all the way to either side of the viewport.

Having known the latest web design trends let us now follow them and be on top.

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